Live music

A coffee with Early Music notes

  • Foto: Sara Guasteví

That the history of music is replete with great composers is evidence. What is perhaps not so well known is that there are many of these great composers who are absolutely unknown or who, even, remain anonymous, buried in some dusty bookshelf ...

From the Department of Early Music of the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya we propose you, in this 7th edition of the cycle A coffee with... at the Museum of Music of Barcelona, ​​to rediscover the beauty of the works of Durón, Caccini, Peri, Arcadelt, Biber, Locke and many others. With the help of some great interpreters, you will enjoy the notes of great composers sounding among delicious coffee beans.

In this first session of the cycle:

Baroque of the overseas: re-premieres of pieces of the Hispanic colonies. Works by Sebastián Durón and anonymous composers of the National Archive of Bolivia.
Marta Almajano, director

In collaboration with:
Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya



Upcoming sessions of the cycle:

Saturday March 23, 2019
Music and drama
Mara Galassi, director

Saturday, April 27, 2019
Polyphonies of heaven and earth
Lambert Climent, director

Saturday, May 25, 2019
Speaking without words, painting without a brush
Manfredo Kraemer, director