
12.12.2024 to 28.09.2025

Les majorales del Roser i les cançons de pandero

The songs of the majorales of the Roser confraternity, accompanied by tambourines, were present in many villages across Catalonia. The exhibition reveals what was evoked by the testimonies of the last majorales...

25.10.2024 to 23.03.2025

Relacions entre l'escolta i la mirada

04.07.2024 to 13.10.2024

El Museu de la Música celebra el músic Carles Santos des de la ressonància del seu llegat en les pràctiques contemporànies. Resseguint un fil entre obres de diferents autors, ‘Ja saps tocar el piano. Rastres de Carles Santos’ mostra i recopila testimonis, traces i accions que doten d’un...

22.03.2024 to 09.06.2024

In addition to being part of a major urban transformation, the creation of L’Auditori 25 years ago had a significant impact on a district that was still being developed. L’Auditori reflected the city’s firm commitment to turning the Poblenou-Glòries area into a hub of innovation and cultural...

09.11.2023 to 07.01.2024

Like one of those children’s crosswords puzzles consisting of a page full of numbered dots that, when connected with lines, draw us the silhouette of an animal or a recognizable figure. This exhibition takes this displacement of the hand on the paper as a way of approaching the cinema of Aura...

28.09.2023 to 05.11.2023

Un projecte de David Wexler...

30.06.2023 to 25.09.2023

Escoltes divergents: estudis sobre desnaturalitzacions del moviment i del so és una investigació a partir de tres peces musicals derivades de l’exposició Escoltar amb les mans. Suports obsolets, missatges efímers. del Museu de la Música. 

Georgia Vardarou proposa al públic compartir una...
