The OMIC continues to provide its services to the public electronically and through the 010 phone service. Claims and enquiries will continue to be preferably dealt with online. For those inquiries or complaints that require face-to-face attention, you must make an appointment in advance on the municipal procedures portal, by calling 010, or at the Municipal Procedures Kiosk.


This is a service under which one party allows another party to use a space in an enclosure for the purposes of parking a motor vehicle in exchange for a specified price. With the variable time system, users are allowed to use a parking space for a variable and not pre-established amount of time, and the price is agreed per minute of parking. Users only pay for the actual time of use (remember that rounding up is forbidden).

It is worth noting that this service entails a monitoring and safekeeping duty in relation to the vehicle during the time for which it is actually parked there. Therefore, in the event of damage (the company is required to return the vehicle in the same condition in which it received it) or theft, the car park owner will be liable to the user and the owner of the vehicle. However, the company is not liable for non-fixed and removable accessories. 

Other aspects to take into account:

  • The company must clearly indicate the car park’s prices, opening times and rules of use and operation.
  • Keep the parking receipt or proof of parking, as you will need to show it in order to remove the vehicle. The receipts or proof of parking provided by variable time car parks must contain the following information: the vehicle’s number plate, whether the user is leaving the keys to the vehicle and, finally, the date and exact time (to the minute) of entry.
  • The company is entitled to retain the vehicle in order to secure payment of the price of parking.
  • If the vehicle is parked in the same place without interruption for more than six months, it will be presumed to have been abandoned.

If you are unsatisfied with any aspects of the service of the car park where you have parked your vehicle, ask the company for an official claim form. If you have not received an answer within 30 days, or if the answer is unsatisfactory, you can contact the OMIC.
