Els Napoleon. Un estudi fotogràfic [The Napoleons. A Photographic Studio]

Catalogue of the Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona exhibition 'Els Napoleon. Un estudi fotogràfic' (2011). A book containing a selection of 68 photographs from the exhibition that offer a view of the work of one of the city's largest photographic studios from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century. The photography business run by Antonio Fernández, Anaïs Tiffon and, later, their son Emilio, played a major role in the world of portrait photography in the Barcelona of the time, and became the place to go for those who wished to be immortalised in a photograph.

Maria de los Santos Garcia Felguera
Publication date
10 €
Book language
Català (traducció textos en castellà)

Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona - Institut de Cultura de Barcelona - Imatge i Producció Editorial de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona