Barcelona en postguerra. Una crònica fotogràfica

19 April - 28 September 2013

The exhibition "Barcelona en postguerra, 1939-1945. Una crònica fotogràfica" showed various aspects of the new reality imposed on the city as of 26 January 1939, when it was occupied by Franco’s troops. Given its significance and symbolism, Barcelona presented the first great challenge to the new regime for the building of a totalitarian Spain. Every trace of the republican, lay, democratic Catalan legality was to be wiped away, and the city restored to its status as the capital of a Spanish province. The process, which took place during the turbulent years of the Second World War, painted a picture of light and shade and paradoxes beyond the direct and indirect consequences of the war and repression.

How to get here
Plaça Pons i Clerch, 2 planta 2a
08003 Barcelona Barcelona
Telephone: 93 256 34 20