Barcelona and sport
Greco-Roman fight, c. 1910. AFB. F. Ballell
Football match of F.C.Barcelona, c.1933.AFB. J.M.Sagarra and P.Ll.Torrents
Catalan Fencing Championship, c. 1925. AFB. Josep M. Sagarra
Athletics Championship at the Montjuïc Stadium, 1935. AFB. Pérez de Rozas
Motor racing race in Montjuïc, 1963. AFB. Pérez de Rozas
Women's basketball team, 1934. AFB. Pérez de Rozas
Ski without snow at the Hall of Tourism and Sports, 1963.AFB. Pérez de Rozas
Regates de rem al port, 1929. AFB. J.M. Sagarra i P.Ll. Torrents