'Auca del noi català'. A tale that stands the test of time

'Auca del noi català, antifeixista i humà', written by Pere Català i Pic and illustrated by Josep Obiols is a work that stands the test of time thanks to the universal values it represents. Published in 1937, in the midst of the Spanish Civil War and with a clear propagandist purpose, it is able to connect with readers through its sweet and expressive illustrations and its message of civic behaviour and comradeship.

01/03/2024 - 14:20 h

‘Auca del noi català, antifeixista i humà’, written by Pere Català i Picand illustrated by Josep Obiols, is a tale that stands the test of time thanks to the universal values it represents. Published in 1937, in the midst of the Spanish Civil War and with a clear propagandist purpose, it is able to connect with readers through its sweet and expressive illustrations and its message of civic behaviour and comradeship. This work from the publisher Libros del Zorro Rojo, co-published by Barcelona City Council, and these two authors were the subject of a conversation between the epilogists Esther Boquera Diago and Pilar Vélez, moderated by Anna Guitart, a cultural journalist.

Oblit Baseiria, curator of Barcelona City Council’s collection “Barcelona Beceroles” shared her experience of recovering these books, highlighting the importance of guaranteeing access to these materials in children’s libraries and underscoring her dedication to preserving the city’s memory and children’s culture. During the conversation they also discussed the role of the Propaganda Commission of the republican Government of Catalonia in 1937, highlighting its role in undertaking a significant propaganda campaign involving some three hundred people and various international delegations to disseminate the propaganda.

Esther Boquera, in the Sala Cotxeres at the Palau Robert, recalled how she discovered who the author of the texts was after talking to various members of the family of Pere Català i Pic’s, someone who was committed to the Catalan language and to defending republican values, who was the author of the work, and explained his decision not to put his name to it at that time due to the post he held. A work that heads the collection and that was translated, even at the time it was written, into other languages with the aim of spreading its message internationally.

Pilar Vélez also underscored the relevance today of the issues addressed in the book, and the importance of recognising values, even during the toughest times in history. She also highlighted the importance of republishing this book for the new generations and its current relevance. With regard to the illustrator Josep Obiols, his commitment to the Catalan language and the part he played in defending republican values were highlighted.

The presentation also highlighted the wealth and relevance today of the content of the book Auca del noi català, antifeixista i humà and its importance in the current context and concluded with an invitation to visit the exhibition on books from the republican Government of Catalonia, currently being held in room four at the Palau Robert and showing until 1 April, underscoring the importance of preserving these materials as a fundamental part of the city’s historical and cultural memory.