14/02/2025 - 14:08 h Security and prevention Criminal offences down by 4.7% in Barcelona in 2024
The number of criminal offences has dropped, while the number of cases resolved, the number of arrests and investigations are all up.
14/02/2025 - 12:20 h Commerce and markets More economic activity in ground floor premises in Barcelona
The number of active ground floor premises grows by 5% compared to 2022.
14/02/2025 - 10:06 h Culture and leisure A privileged tour of restricted spaces in Barcelona’s museums
Seventeen cultural facilities are opening their most secret spaces for members of the public to discover the other side of their heritage on 1 March.
14/02/2025 - 08:00 h Culture and leisure An exclusive visit to the restricted areas of Barcelona's museums
On 1 March, seventeen cultural facilities will open the doors of their most secret spaces to reveal the other side of their heritage.
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Projecte Memòria oral del periodisme barceloní (1966-1986): un resum entorn la Llei Fraga
Projecte Memòria oral del periodisme barceloní (1966-1986): un resum entorn la Llei Fraga