Disruptions to mobility for the Bike Festival
The event is being held in Passeig Lluís Companys on Sunday, 6 October, from 10 am to 2.30 pm. The Bike Ride will set off from C/ Aragó at 10 am, between Pg. Sant Joan and C/ Sicília. Restrictions to traffic and entrances to car parking around the route will be in place from 8.45 am to 11.30 am, with circulation reestablished once cyclists have passed through.
The route for the Bike Ride is:
C/ Aragó, corner with Pg. de Sant Joan • C/ Tarragona • Pl. Espanya • Av. Paral·lel • C/ Floridablanca • Rda. Sant Antoni • Pl. Universitat • C/ Pelai • Pl. Catalunya • C/ Fontanella • Pl. Urquinaona • C/ Trafalgar • Pg. Lluís Companys • C/ Comerç • Pg. Picasso • Pg. Pujades • C/ Marina • C/ Llull • C/ Badajoz • C/ Pujades • C/ Marina • roundabout and C/ Almogàvers • C/ Roger de Flor • Av. Vilanova • Pg. Lluís Companys.
Some streets near the starting area will be closed to traffic at 8.30 am:
- C/ Aragó, from Av. Diagonal to Pg. Sant Joan.
- Intersecting streets in C/ Aragó, from C/ Sicília to C/ Sant Joan.
There will also be a road closure in Pg. Sant Joan at 9.30 am, from C/ Consell de Cent to C/ València.
Once the Bide Ride gets under way, the dismantling process will start so that traffic circulation can be reestablished as soon as possible. C/ Aragó will not be reopened to traffic until the start line has been dismantled (expected around 11.30 am).
As for the arrival area, Av. Vilanova will be closed to traffic at 9.30 am, from C/ Roger de Flor to Pg. Sant Jona, so that the finish line can be assembled. Pg. Lluís Companys will also be closed to traffic at 10 am (road surface nearest the Besòs).
When the Bike Ride is completely finished, traffic in the area around the arrival point should be back to normal around 12 noon.
Parking prohibitions
Vehicles may not be parked (including motorcycles on pavements) from 7 am on Saturday, 5 October, to 1 pm on Sunday, 6 October, in:
- C/ Aragó (side nearest the sea), from C/ Roger de Flor to Pg. Sant Joan.
- C/ Aragó – Pg. Sant Joan (side nearest the sea, reserved motorcycle areas annexed to the bike lane).
- C/ Floridablanca – C/ Vilamarí, loading and unloading area (small road island).
- Pg. Lluís Companys (side nearest the Llobregat), from C/ Comerç to Pg. Pujades.
- Pg. Pujades – Pg. Picasso, side nearest the Besòs and the mountains (first two spaces only and spaces for motorcycles).
- Av. Vilanova (both sides), from C/ Roger de Flor to Pg. Sant Joan.
- Pg. Lluís Companys (road surface nearest the Besòs), from Pg. Pujades to C/ Buenaventura Muñoz.
Prohibition on moving vehicles
Any vehicles remaining in streets along the route where parking has been expressly prohibited, despite the signage and the measures adopted, will be immobilised so that they cannot be moved during the event.
Public transport
The following bus services will be affected:
D20, D40, D50, H12, H14, H16, V5, V7, V9, V11, V13, V15, V17, V19, V21, V23, 6, 7, 13, 19, 22, 24, 39, 46, 47, 54, 55, 59, 63, 65, 67, 79, 109, 115, 120, 136, 141, 192 and the Barcelona Bus Turístic (blue and red routes).
To ensure the safety of those taking part, the T4 line of the Trambesòs service will be halted between the stops of Glòries i Ciutadella – Vila Olímpica from 10 am.
People are recommended to get to Passeig Lluís Companys with:
It is worth remembering that bicycles are allowed on the metro over the whole weekend. On working days, access is allowed from 5 am to 7 am, from 9.30 am to 5 pm and from 8.30 pm until stations close. Folding bikes that are duly folded can be taken on the metro premises without these restrictions applying.
Access to and exits from the car park in Pg. Lluís Companys will be guaranteed using the entrances in Pg. Sant Joan – Arc de Triomf. The entrances in Pg. Pujades will be closed until the activity is over.