Proposals from municipal groups in the full council meeting of 26 July 2024

July’s full council meeting approved three proposals: one from Junts-Trias×BCN to protect and promote the Catalan language; one from BComú to identify the effects of a special urban plan on seasonal rents and balance this with permanent rents, and one from the ERC for the City Council to head an international alliance of cities for sustainable and responsible tourism. The proposals from the PP and Vox were rejected. The session concluded with a farewell to Xavier Trias, after he announced he was giving up his seat as a councillor.

Vista general del Plenari del Consell Municipal

General view of the Municipal Full Council

26/07/2024 - 17:10 h - City Council Ajuntament de Barcelona

The first proposal put forward in the government control and input part of the meeting was from Junts per Catalunya – Trias per Barcelona, calling on the municipal government to comply with the Municipal Charter and the Regulation on the Use of the Catalan Language (RULC) in connection with the protection, promotion and normalisation of Catalan. The Full Council approved the proposal with votes from Junts-Trias×BCN, BComú and the ERC, with the PSC, the PP and Vox voting against it.

Barcelona en Comú put forward a proposal calling for a report to check the legal feasibility and identify the possible effects of approving a special urban plan on seasonal rents, to balance these with permanent rents by introducing suitable measures. The proposal was approved with votes from Junts-Trias×BCN, the PSC, BComú and the ERC, while the PP and Vox voted against it.

Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya called on the City Council to head an international alliance of cities for sustainable and responsible tourism. The proposal was approved with votes from Junts-Trias×BCN, the PSC, BComú and the ERC, while the PP and Vox voted against it.

The Partit Popular urged the municipal government to rethink the special urban plan on tourist accommodation to contemplate the type of tourism the city wants, a study of accommodation needs and the easing of the moratorium on hotels, among other measures. The proposal was rejected, with Junts-Trias×BCN, the PP and Vox voting in favour, while the PSC, BComú and the ERC voted against it.

The proposal from Vox was to reject the arrival of unaccompanied foreign minors and call on the Government of Catalonia to close down centres that might generate insecurity in neighbourhoods. The proposal was rejected, with Vox voting in favour while all the other groups voted against it.