Revamp to the Túnel de la Rovira to improve safety and efficiency

The Commission for Ecology, Urban Planning, Urban Services and Housing gave the final go-ahead for the project, which will get under way at the end of 2024 and take a little over a year. The work entails resurfacing, treating structural pathologies, improving weatherproofing and drainage and renewing a significant part of the fixtures.

Accés nord del túnel de la Rovira, Barcelona.

Northern entrance to the Túnel de la Rovira, Barcelona.

16/07/2024 - 17:27 h - Urban planning and infrastructures Ajuntament de Barcelona

The work has a budget of over 17 million euros and will be carried out in stages. The ascending and descending sides of the tunnels will be closed alternately, mainly during nighttime hours, to reduce the impact on mobility as much as possible.

Increased safety

An essential part of the work is geared towards improving safety in the tunnel. Three new evacuation galleries will be excavated, with intersecting connections to the two separate tunnels.

Safety and communication installations will also be renewed, with new tech solutions, and new fire detector elements added. At the same time, the system of hydrants and extinguishers will be increased and the technical rooms renewed.

Renewal of infrastructures

The work includes resurfacing the whole tunnel and replacing lighting with LED technology, plus new automated ventilation cycles adapting to various scenarios. The improvement work will also solve water filtration and renew the existing drainage system.

The work will update and adapt an infrastructure which dates back to 1987. It is the first project to be carried out as part of the transformation of the area around the Rambla del Carmel.

Accés sud del túnel de la Rovira, Barcelona.

Southern entrance to the Túnel de la Rovira, Barcelona.