Barcelona supermodelo
La complejidad de una transformación social y urbana (1979-2011)
- Author/s
- Alessandro Scarnato (Author) and Marina Laboreo (Translator)
- Co-edition with
- Comanegra
- Collection
- Barcelona Architecture and Urban Planning
This books looks at the urban renovations and transformations that have taken place in the Ciutat Vella from 1979, when the first democratic elections were held, until 2011. It traces the changes that have taken in the city's hitoric centre in political, social and architectural terms, at a time which was marked by immigration, toourism and globalisation.
What are them saying
"Maragall buscaba el turismo como una herramienta más para la salvación de la ciudad."
"Una publicació guanyadora de el premi Ciutat de Barcelona 2016 en la categoria d’Història, i que relata el maridatge entre autoritats , associacions veïnals i arquitectes sense prejudicis, durant la Barcelona post franquista per convertir l’urbs en una súper ciutat, en un “supermodel”, com diu Scarnato."
Technical Data
- Publication language: Spanish
- Year: 2016
- Pages: 339
- Cover: Paperback
- Format: 12,5 x 17,4 cm
- ISBN City Council: 978-84-9850-913-7
- Publishing ISBN: 978-84-16605-43-09
24.00€Selling points
- Sala Ciutat
Llibreries habituals