Poema en forma de rosa

Pier Paolo Pasolini, Xavier Valls Guinovart (Translator) and Ricard Vinyes (Prologue)
Co-edition with
Edicions Poncianes
Barcelona Literary

Pier Paolo Pasolini excelled as a writer and film-maker and took part in the great debates of modern times from the perspective of creative freedom, critical radicalism and personal honesty. Poem in the shape of a rose, which had never been translated into Catalan, makes a big contribution to the concepts of history, memory, identity, modernity and tradition from a humanist and universal perspective. What’s more, Pasolini visited Barcelona in the 1960s, and this visit led to the creation of one of his most intense poems, «Negotiations with Franco» which we have included in the appendix. A bilingual edition to commemorate the centenary of the birth of one of the most important intellectuals of the 20th century.



What are them saying

"El llibre concentra tot l’univers —fragmentari, brillant, expansiu i polièdric— de l’autor italià. Hi veiem preocupacions recurrents i alguns dels temes que travessen tota la seva obra, però sobretot la “commoció que Pasolini va sentir amb el passat, com la va sentir, què va significar per a ell, què en va treure”, tal com explica Vinyes."

"Ricard Vinyes i Jordi Quer ens presenten la versió en català de "Poema en forma de rosa", de Pier Paolo Pasolini."

TV3 30/06/2022

"La publicació de 'Poema en forma de rosa' és una oportunitat per a resseguir les relacions de Pier Paolo Pasolini amb Barcelona i la cultura catalana."

Technical Data

  • Publication language: Catalan and Italian
  • Year: 2022
  • Pages: 404
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Format: 14 x 21 cm
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-409-6
  • Publishing ISBN: 978-84-18693-06-9



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