Somorrostro. Mirades literàries
- Author/s
- Enric H. March (Editor)
- Collection
- Barcelona Literary
The book you are holding is an important contribution towards putting on the map what was, for the best part of a century, an over-crowded and little-known part of the city of Barcelona. Enric H. March brings us a wide variety of literary points of view from authors such as Josep Maria Carandell, Juan Goytisolo, Terenci Moix and Josep Pla, among others, accompanied by photographs that enable us to understand how Barcelona saw, or rather, deliberately ignored, a part of its reality. A view of a Somorrostro that was capable of both provoking disgust and arousing fascination.
What are them saying
"El 'Somorrostro: reivindicació de la Barcelona barraquista'"
"Barcelona Metròpolis: 'El barri que va desaparèixer sota la sorra'"
"La nit dels ignorants: 'D'on ve el nom de Somorrostro?'"
"Somorrostro va créixer “amb habitacles autoconstruïts de famílies obreres que no trobaven lloguers assequibles, en una ciutat que sempre ha patit de manca d’habitatge"."
"El Mundo: 'El Somorrostro, chispa literaria'"
"La Razón: 'El Somorrostro de las letras'"
Technical Data
- Publication language: Catalan and Spanish
- Year: 2018
- Pages: 142
- Cover: Paperback
- Format: 16 x 24 cm
- ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-091-3
15.00€Selling points
- Sala Ciutat
Llibreries habituals