Singulars de les festes barcelonines
Grups Festius de Barcelona Volum VII
- Author/s
- Xavier Cordomí Fernández, Nico Alonso and JuanolO (Illustrator)
- Co-edition with
- El Cep i la Nansa
- Collection
- Barcelona City and Neighbourhoods
- Subcollection
Grups Festius de Barcelona
The most heterodox of the seven published to date, this new volume in the collection looks at various unique manifestations, elements and celebrations in the city that are closely identified with the reality and history of their neighbourhood or their old town or village.
The book offers a rigorous work of research, creativity and imagination and highlights what the various popular culture groups in Barcelona have preserved, recovered, innovated or imagined, old and new expressions, original and diverse, that interpret the identification and feeling of belonging to their land that the people have.
Popular culture
Technical Data
- Publication language: Catalan
- Year: 2020
- Pages: 76
- Cover: Paperback
- Format: 19 x 22 cm
- ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-285-6
- Publishing ISBN: 978-84-17756-73-4
12.00€Selling points
- Sala Ciutat
Llibreries habituals