El Llibre de les fonts. Aigua, clima i societat a la Barcelona del segle XVII

Maria Antònia Martí Escayol (Coordinator), Santiago Gorostiza (Coordinator) and Xavier Cazeneuve (Coordinator)
Co-edition with
Editorial Afers
Barcelona Ecology

The Book of Fountains in the present city of Barcelona is a manuscript held in the Historical Archive of the City of Barcelona containing knowledge about Barcelona's drinking water supply in the mid 17th century. It was written in 1650 by master builder Francesc Socies, who had the job of “mestre de les fonts”, or water officer, and was therefore responsible for ensuring that the system for collecting, channelling and distributing water in the city functioned correctly.

The Llibre de les fonts describes the city’s hydraulic drinking water network, formed of water mines, underground and surface conduits, ventilation wells and fountains. In addition to almost certainly being the first description of a major itinerary in Barcelona, it enables us to understand how water was managed in a Mediterranean city in the modern age. This document is vital for understanding the history of Barcelona and is an exceptional document in the European context.

With the publication of this edition, we are making known the contents of the original book, thus breaking the condition imposed by the Consell de Cent in the mid 17th century. This edition includes the transcription of the manuscript preceded by seven studies written from an interdisciplinary perspective that cover the history, urban planning and historical climatology, providing both an overview of the political, social, cultural and environmental context in which Francesc Socies lived and worked and arguments for understanding and appreciating the scope and the content of his book.

Historical Archive
Public Space

What are them saying

" El llibre de les fonts. Aigua, clima i societat a la Barcelona del segle XVII presenta, per una banda, la transcripció del manuscrit Llibre de las fonts de la present Ciutat de Barcelona compost per Francesch Sosies Mestre de Casses i de las Fonts de la present ciutat en lo Any de 1650, i de l’altra, retrata la ciutat en un moment convuls, en plena Guerra dels Segadors, i demostra que malgrat l’entorn bèl·lic, la ciutat seguia fent vida normal."

"Antonio Baños continua fent memòria en la seva secció del Nomenclàtor amb un repàs de carrers de Barcelona relacionats amb l’aigua i les fonts, ara que estem en plena sequera."

BETEVÉ | Programa ‘Plaça Tísner‘ 07/05/2024

Technical Data

  • Publication language: Catalan
  • Year: 2022
  • Pages: 486
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Format: 13,5 x 21 cm
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9156-446-1
  • Publishing ISBN: 978-84-18618-38-3



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