Funiculars i telefèrics de Montjuïc

Els transports que van canviar la història de la muntanya

Ricard Fernández Valentí

This publication including photographs never published before tells the story of the funiculars and cableways of Montjuïc Hill, a mute witness of the city’s history from the beginning, which in the 20th century became a starting point for the modernisation of Barcelona. From its first funicular, put in service on the occasion of 1929 Barcelona International Exhibition, to the modern transport systems created for the 1992 Olympic Games, the cable transport has always played a leading role in the transformation of both the hill and the city.

Urban Planning

Technical Data

  • Publication language: Catalan
  • Year: 2012
  • Pages: 208
  • Cover: Spiral binding
  • Format: 20 x 24 cm
  • ISBN City Council: 978-84-9850-400-2



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