‘Darrere les persianes’ [Behind the Blinds] at the eighth edition of “Nosaltres/Us: LGTBI+ Week”, in the Sagrada Família neighbourhood

From 25 September to 1 October, the Sagrada Família Civic Centre and the Sagrada Família - Josep Maria Ainaud de Lasarte Library will be organising the eighth edition of “Nosaltres/Us: LGTBI+ Week”. In this year’s edition, two of the events on the programme are based on the graphic novel ‘Darrere les persianes’ [Behind the Blinds]. A brief history of lesbians in Barcelona’, published by Barcelona Llibres.

04/09/2024 - 13:47 h - Culture and leisure Ajuntament de Barcelona
  • Exhibitions

‘Darrere les persianes’ [Behind the Blinds]
From 16 September to 6 October
In the lobby of the Sagrada Família Cultural Centre.
An installation inspired by the graphic novel Darrere les persianes [Behind the Blinds], by Isabel Franc and Rosa Navarro, which tells the story of the everyday lives of all the lesbian women who have formed part of the history of Barcelona and who, due to their sexual orientation, have been forgotten or were silenced because of the context they lived in. So looking from outside in, we turn the function of blinds back to front, we make slight changes to the history we have been taught up to now and give value to the individual stories that have helped to build our collective history.

  • Activities

Guided walk “Darrere les persianes. A walk through the history of lesbians in Barcelona”,
Saturday, 28 September,
At 11.30 am
Led by Maio Serrasolsas Moreno.
We take you on a walk through the history and memory of lesbian activism in Barcelona in the mid and late 20th century. We’ll be following a route through the Gothic Quarter and the Raval, looking at the culture, leisure, repression and activism that took place on our city’s streets. The route addresses the Law on Social Danger, the transition and, above all, invisibility as a cross-cutting theme.
Prior booking required from 20 September at 9.30 am, online at ccsagradafamilia.net, in person on by calling tel. 934 508 917.

Further information: Nosaltres/Us: LGTBI+ Week