Ground floor local censuses intended for economic activity in the city of Barcelona
In a city like Barcelona, commerce is the driving force of the economy, but also key when it comes to defining the physiognomy of the neighbourhoods and their social life. The quality of people’s lives depends directly on the city’s commercial fabric. It is for this reason that Barcelona City Council periodically conducts the census of ground floor premises intended for economic activity in the city of Barcelona, in order to find out, from a quantitative and qualitative perspective, how the commercial fabric of the city is doing.
What is it and what is it used for?
The census of ground floor premises intended for economic activity in the city of Barcelona records all the ground floor premises in the city which are intended for economic activity and which are currently active or pending activity. It is an essential instrument for diagnosis, systematising indicators, decision-making and for assessing public policies for this sector.
The census provides an accurate snapshot of the state of economic activity and the commercial offer in Barcelona, with the aim of keeping city residents and businesses informed, along with all the key stakeholders that play a role in the city’s economic, social and urban-planning dynamics.
How is it conducted?
Since 2016, the census has been periodically updated with large field operations that have enabled a full picture to be built up of ground floor premises throughout the city. This has made it possible to identify ground floor premises that either host an economic activity or have the potential to do so.
Since 2021, Barcelona City Council has been developing a methodology for continuously updating its data on the sector, and this has led to the creation of the census of ground floor premises intended for economic activity in Barcelona. This is a census that focuses exclusively on analysing premises used for economic activities.
El Cens de locals de planta baixa destinats a activitat econòmica de la ciutat de Barcelona registra tots els locals en planta baixa de la ciutat destinats a activitat econòmica i que es troben en actiu o pendents d'activitat. És un instrument imprescindible per a la diagnosi, la sistematització d’indicadors, la presa de decisions i l’avaluació de polítiques públiques sobre el sector.
El cens permet obtenir una radiografia acurada de l’estat de l’activitat econòmica i de l’oferta comercial de Barcelona, amb l'objectiu de mantenir informada la ciutadania, l’activitat econòmica i tots els agents implicats en la dinàmica econòmica, social i urbanística de la ciutat.
Des de 2016, el cens s'ha anat actualitzant periòdicament amb grans operacions de camp que han permès crear l'univers complet de locals de planta baixa de tota la trama urbana de la ciutat. Això ha fet possible identificar els locals de planta baixa que acullen una activitat econòmica o que la poden acollir.
Des de 2021, l'Ajuntament de Barcelona desenvolupa una metodologia d'actualització continuada que ha permès crear el Cens de locals de planta baixa destinats a activitat econòmica a Barcelona. Es tracta d'un cens focalitzat, exclusivament, en l'anàlisi dels locals destinats a activitats econòmiques.
Commercial viewer
The viewer shows data on the commercial premises on the ground floor available to Barcelona City Council, in a transparent and easy-to-understand manner.
Cens comercial
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