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8 April – International Roma Day

A day for discovering the culture and history of the Roma people, and for championing their rights and fighting against discrimination and anti-Roman racism.

As every year, 8 April marks International Roma Day. This date was declared International Roma Day at the First World Romani Congress, an event that marked the resurgence of the international Roma movement where the flag of the Romani people (blue and green background with a red wagon wheel) was established along with the anthem (Gelem, gelem, which means “I walked, I walked”).

The celebration on 8 April is a time to recognise the reality, history and culture of the Roma people, and also a time to reflect on the discrimination Roma people all over the world have suffered and continue to suffer.

From 4 to 20 April information points will be set up in neighbourhoods across the city, managed by volunteers from the entities that form part of the Barcelona Municipal Council of Roma People, with the aim of raising the visibility and awareness of the culture of Barcelona’s Roma community. A rich, diverse culture with values that are part of our city culture.

A wheel as a symbol

The official flag of the Romani people is green and blue, representing the heavens and the earth, with a red wagon wheel as a symbol of their journey from India and freedom. The Romani hymn is “Gelem, gelem” (I walked, I walked), composed by Jarko Jovanovic.

Every 8 April, there are festive celebrations and events organised by various national and international organisations, along with some associations. This is a festive day of celebration, but also a day for recognising the inequality and vulnerability that the Roma people have experienced and continue to experience.

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