The 25N Award goes to the project “Prenem la paraula!”, by the Associació Cooperasec
23/11/2021 - 20:33
The winning project is for a feminist cycle of artistic, cultural and literary activities aimed at young people in the neighbourhood of Poble-sec, the goal being to work on gender roles and masculinities to prevent sexist violence.
The initiative “Prenem la paraula!” comes from the young people’s commission for the community development plan in the Poble-sec neighbourhood, managed by the Associació Cooperasec. All young people’s organisations in the neighbourhoods of Poble-sec and some from El Raval and Sant Antoni belong to the association.
The goal of the project is to create an activity cycle between the different organisations, services and socio-cultural facilities in Poble-sec, and work on gender roles and masculinities with the overall goal of preventing sexist violence among the young population. The project is to be articulated through different young people’s resources, services and organisations.
As a guiding thread for the whole process, the idea is to use a fanzine as a creative tool for setting out the work from each session in the cycle and later generating a product for physical and digital dissemination. This way, participants will be able to share their vision and reflections on gender roles and sexist violence with the rest of the public.
Sixteen years of the 25N Award
Under the slogan “BCN Antimasclista; desobeeix el masclisme”, the sixteenth edition of the 25N Award focused on masculinities and gender stereotypes which foster, legitimise, sustain and perpetuate sexist violence. The recognition, awarded every year since 2005 to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, provides support for initiatives working to prevent gender violence.
The award carries a monetary prize of 15,000 euros and also offers institutional support to help get the project up and running.