Voting to choose the best project presented for the 8 March - Maria Aurèlia Capmany Award 2022
11/03/2022 - 13:00
You can vote for the best project presented for this year’s 8 March Award on 17 and 18 March. The project with the most votes will win the Public Award, which includes a prize of €3,000.
All registered Barcelona residents aged 14 and over can take part. In order to vote, you must first register on the Decidim.Barcelona platform, which you can do here.
You will be able to take a look at the projects and vote for them from 17 March at 9 am, at this link. Voting will be open until 11:59 pm on 18 March.
Adopting the slogan “Feminist economy: we’re making progress against women’s job insecurity in the city”, the 2022 award aims to support projects with a gender, intersectional and social-justice perspective which help to make progress in the fight against women’s job insecurity and poverty.
8 March awards ceremony and commemorative concert
- The awards ceremony, which will reveal the winners of the Jury Award and the Public Award, will take place on Saturday 19 March at 11 am, at the Sala Moragues at Born Cultural Centre. Free admission but places are limited.
- The singer-songwriter Suu and the female flamenco-fusion quartet Maruja Limón will be performing at the protest and vindication concert, which marks International Women’s Day. Saturday 19, at 12.15 am, at the Sala Moragues at Born Cultural Centre. Free admission but places are limited.