Application period open for Childhood Funding 0-16
12/05/2022 - 12:08
Terms and conditions have been published for the new call for Childhood Funding 0-16, designed to help cover the needs of vulnerable families with minors. The initial budget is 12 million euros, although this will depend on the number of people who meet the application requisites. The application period is open until 10 June.
Benefit payments range from 100 to 475 euros a month for a maximum of six months, according to the number of minors in the family and the household income. Applicants must be social services users. Single-mother families are entitled to an additional 100 euros in benefit.
Applications can be made via the procedures website. There are fifty face-to-face advice points around the city to facilitate the process, ready to help people complete the application procedure if necessary.
Last year’s Funding 0-16 call reached 17,424 minors from 10,625 families, representing an overall investment of 9.98 million euros. Of these households, 2,001 were single-mother families. Some changes have been made to this year’s call so that it reaches more people, such as including infants attended to by the Care Service for Immigrants, Emigrants and Refugees (SAIER).