Recreational use of public space for youth organisations with “Carrers en Joc”

Recreational use of public space for youth organisations with “Carrers en Joc”

08/10/2022 - 18:04

Streets and squares in the city are to get priority playing areas on Saturday afternoons for youth organisations to make recreational use of. The “Carrers en Joc” initiative is a pilot project being launched this weekend in Gràcia and Sants-Montjuïc, and also in Ciutat Vella in November.

The streets and squares to be used by youth organisations have been agreed with district offices and will be signposted with posters with the name and the image for the project. Spaces will mainly be used on Saturday afternoons, although there is also the possibility of Saturday mornings on some days. The project is expected to benefit 1,208 children in the city in the first quarter of 2022-2023.

“Carrers en joc” is one of the projects set out in the Play Plan 2030 and enjoys the collaboration of other municipal stakeholders, facilities, local people and shops and businesses in the three districts. During the first quarter of the school year, 14 organisations and 254 heads and volunteer monitors will be taking part.


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