The Associació Veïnal de Sant Antoni wins the 25N award for 2022
23/11/2022 - 19:40
The “Totes som Punt Lila” project by the Associació Veïnal de Sant Antoni has won the 25N award for 2022. The project offers a neighbourhood circuit to combat sexist violence towards women. The initiative works towards prevention and detection through trust and a local approach, strengthening ties through the community and commercial establishments in favour of women’s rights.
Under the slogan “Building alliances against sexism towards women”, the call for the 17th edition of the 25 November award brought together projects based on strategies to prevent sexist violence in four main spheres which account for a large part of daily life for women and citizens: commerce, culture, sport and education.
Combatting gender violence from the neighbourhood
“Totes som Punt Lila” is a pioneering project to tackle sexist violence by involving local people, facilities, shops and businesses in Sant Antoni. The approach adopted by the local residents’ organisation, Associació Veïnal de Sant Antoni, creates a network of close collaboration between neighbourhood people and bodies, focusing on awareness among everybody living in the neighbourhood when it comes to identifying cases of sexist violence and on the work of community networks to provide support and assistance in these cases.
The initiative offers specific actions, such as specialised information and awareness gazebos, recognition of unsafe routes and spaces and the rollout of night-time exploratory walks. At the same time, the intention is to choose and train shops and businesses to become purple points in the neighbourhood of Sant Antoni.
As the winning project for the award, the association will receive 15,000 euros and municipal support to be able to implement the initiative.