Social services centres to gauge the opinion of users
12/11/2021 - 15:50
The city’s forty social services centres are to conduct participatory groups to ask users for their opinions about the assistance they receive. The goal is to keep improving the detection of possible shortcomings and increase the quality of service.
Users at the centres will take part in 90-minute sessions, with a guaranteed mix of people in terms of gender, age, territorial diversity and how long they have been receiving support.
The process is one of the main initiatives set out in the government measure ‘Social action: territory, participation and community’, to be presented at the next Commission for Social Rights. The measure also includes the creation of social action boards in all districts as meeting spaces between institutions and the social fabric of neighbourhoods and districts, to broaden and improve the local support network.
The measure is a continuation of the project ‘Impulsem!’, a collectively designed initiative started in 2016 to revamp, improve and update social services in the city.