18th edition of the Premi 25 de novembre 2023 - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women ‘Anti-sexist and Anti-racist BCN’

Call approved
Submission period:

From September 01 to 18, 2023 (both included)

Information website:
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Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office [Es]

Last update:

To commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women , Barcelona City Council is opening the call for this award which, this year, aims to shine a spotlight on the intersectionality of gender violence, with an emphasis on the racial discrimination that takes place in many different areas and, above all, the repercussions it has.

The projects that can be presented for this ‘BCNAntimasclista i Antiracista’ [Anti-sexist and Anti-racist BCN] edition are those whose purpose is:

1. To carry out research and reflection with a focus on the primary prevention of gender violence associated with racial discrimination, as established in the purpose of the award.

2. To implement strategies and actions in various areas aimed at the city's population, which incorporate this year's proposed theme, in accordance with the objectives established in the purpose of the award.

3. To launch primary prevention initiatives that incorporate the dual aspects ‘gender-based violence - racial discrimination,’ which are the object of this call, in accordance with the objectives established in the purpose of the award.

4. To undertake actions aimed at generating resources and tools for the primary prevention addressed in this call in accordance with the objectives established in the purpose of the award.

The projects must be carried out in the city of Barcelona or must be applied practically at district level or citywide.

Projects may be submitted by natural persons over the age of 18, groups, associations or other non-profit organisations based in Barcelona.

The submission period for proposals opens on 1 September and closes on 18 September 2023 at 11.59 pm.

Call approved
Submission period:

From September 01 to 18, 2023 (both included)

Information website:
Go to website
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office [Es]