Women’s talent stands out in the Young and Emerging Research programme
10/02/2025 - 19:38
Emerging research. The awards ceremony coincides with the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which seeks to give visibility to and recognise the contribution of women and promote gender equality in the field of science...
Hypatia II Mission studies the effects of a space mission to Mars on the female body
03/02/2025 - 11:11
WOMEN IN SPACE. The 2nd mission of female scientists from the Hypatia Mars association will live together at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in the Utah desert, coinciding with the International Day of Women and Girls in...
Sofia Williamson: "Participatory research empowers young women to be agents of change"
11/02/2025 - 10:44
Amb motiu de l'11 de febrer, Dia de les Dones i les Nenes a la Ciència, Sofia Williamson de Lichen Innovación Social ens parla de la importància de la investigació participativa perquè cada cop més joves siguin agents de canvi.
Mostra ''Piel con Piel''
- When:
- 12/03/2025
- Where:
- Davant del Centre Cívic Barceloneta
- Carrer de la Conreria 1 - 9 (Ciutat Vella)
- 932563320
8 de març. Dia Internacional de les Dones: Taller 'Ballar dona vida'
- Where:
- Associació de Veïns Gran Via - Espronceda - Perú
- Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 980 - 982 (Sant Martí)
- 686080414
8 de març. Dia Internacional de les Dones: Xerrada 'Dones acusades de bruixeria: dels casos històrics a la reivindicació feminista'
- When:
- 04/03/2025
- Where:
- Centre Cívic Vil·la Florida
- Carrer de Muntaner 544 (Sarrià-Sant Gervasi)
- 932546265
Activities search engine
One out of every five women worldwide have suffered sexual abuse as a child.
WHO Global status report on violence prevention 2014.
One out of every three women have suffered physical or sexual violence from their partners at some point in their lives.
WHO Global status report on violence prevention 2014.
In Catalonia, 51.3% of women have suffered gender violence (excluding comments, sexual gestures and exhibitionism) in the course of their lives.
Department of the Interior, Generalitat of Catalonia.
62 million European women have been victims of gender violence during their lives.
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2014