• Do you feel discriminated against? Go to content

    The OND supports people at the receiving end of any type of discrimination, gives them legal advice on how to report it and works to raise awareness among Barcelona’s citizens.

    Go to the web https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/lgtbi/sites/default/files/555x312_ond_en.jpg
  • Binarism? Intersectionality? Go to content

    When speaking about sexual and gender diversity, do some words go over your head? Consult our glossary of term

    More info https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/lgtbi/sites/default/files/baner-eng-v3_0.png
  • Schools for equality and diversity Go to content

    Get to know the program for the promotion of equality, equity and respect in children and adolescents from 3 to 16 years of the schools and institutes of Barcelona.

    More info https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/lgtbi/sites/default/files/escoles_banner_web_dones.jpg
  • LGBTI Centre’s new programme of activities Go to content

    The Barcelona LGBTI Centre presents the programme "Interferències", with a series of activities until May 2024.

    More info https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/lgtbi/sites/default/files/interferencies_wp_centrelgtbi_bcn_2.jpg


Rise in the number of cases of discrimination reported in the city

17/09/2024 - 19:14

Inclusion. The figures come from the report by the Observatory on Discrimination for 2023, with 865 cases representing a rise of 234 compared to the previous year.

Xarxa Rainbow Cities

Barcelona City Council to participate in the annual Rainbow Cities Network event

16/09/2024 - 08:25

LGTBI. Barcelona City Council to participate in the annual Rainbow Cities Network event

‘Darrere les persianes’ [Behind the Blinds] at the eighth edition of “Nosaltres/Us: LGTBI+ Week”, in the Sagrada Família neighbourhood

04/09/2024 - 13:47

LGBTI+. An installation in the lobby of the Sagrada Família Cultural Centre and a guided walk based on the book, as part of the neighbourhood’s programme for LGTBI+ Week.

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