Do you feel discriminated against?

The OND supports people at the receiving end of any type of discrimination, gives them legal advice on how to report it and works to raise awareness among Barcelona’s citizens.

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  • Do you feel discriminated against? Go to content

    The OND supports people at the receiving end of any type of discrimination, gives them legal advice on how to report it and works to raise awareness among Barcelona’s citizens.

    Go to the web. Open in a new window
  • Schools for equality and diversity Go to content

    Get to know the program for the promotion of equality, equity and respect in children and adolescents from 3 to 16 years of the schools and institutes of Barcelona.

    More info. Open in a new window
  • Binarism? Intersectionality? Go to content

    When speaking about sexual and gender diversity, do some words go over your head? Consult our glossary of term

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  • Conference on tackling LGBTI-phobia in Barcelona Go to content

    The event will be held at the Barcelona LGBTI Centre on 8 November. The session will be held on Friday, 8 November, from 4.30 pm to 8 pm, and is open to everybody. Participants must register in advance

    Registration. Open in a new window
  • LGBTI Centre’s new programme of activities Go to content

    The Barcelona LGBTI Centre presents the programme "Interferències", with a series of activities until May 2024.

    More info


Comencem un cicle de programació per celebrar i repensar els nostres vincles

25/02/2025 - 10:32

Des del març fins el maig, proposem diferents activitats sobre les maneres dissidents de relacionar-nos

The Barcelona LGBTI Centre celebrates six years of providing services and activities open to all

21/01/2025 - 10:58

More than 3,000 people have received specialised support and guidance since the centre opened on 19 January 2019

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