Do you feel discriminated against?
The OND supports people at the receiving end of any type of discrimination, gives them legal advice on how to report it and works to raise awareness among Barcelona’s citizens.
Comencem un cicle de programació per celebrar i repensar els nostres vincles
25/02/2025 - 10:32
Des del març fins el maig, proposem diferents activitats sobre les maneres dissidents de relacionar-nos
Consulta les dates d’inscripció per a les activitats de Vincles, el nou cicle de programació del Centre LGTBI
26/02/2025 - 12:45
Dates d'obertura d'inscripcions
The Barcelona LGBTI Centre celebrates six years of providing services and activities open to all
21/01/2025 - 10:58
More than 3,000 people have received specialised support and guidance since the centre opened on 19 January 2019

- Strengthening the mechanisms for reporting LGBTI-phobia cases to the police and accompanying victims.
- Ensuring the sexual and reproductive rights of lesbians and bisexual women.
- Depathologising medical assistance: being a trans is not a mental disorder.
- Raising awareness of the contributions made by LGBTI people throughout history.
- Introducing sexual and gender diversity into school curricula.
- Eliminating LGBTI-phobia from sports competitions.
- Improving employment of the trans collective who are excluded from the labour market.
- Boosting the range of cultural offerings on sexual and gender diversity.
- Promoting the LGBTI perspective in reception policies.
- Designing and applying municipal LGBTI policies in conjunction with the LGBTI movement.
- Raising general awareness of lesbianism, bisexuality, intersexuality and transsexuality.
- Incorporating LGBTI diversity in cooperation projects.
Recommended websites
Office for Non-Discrimination
Office for Non-Discrimination. Office for Non-Discrimination. Open in a new window

Rainbow cities network
Rainbow cities network. Rainbow cities network. Open in a new window

Ciutat Cuidadora

Human Rights Resource Center
Human Rights Resource Center. Human Rights Resource Center. Open in a new window

Citizen Rights and Diversity
Citizen Rights and Diversity. Citizen Rights and Diversity . Open in a new window

Women and Feminism
Women and Feminism. Women and Feminism. Open in a new window

Office for Non-Discrimination
Office for Non-Discrimination. Office for Non-Discrimination. Open in a new window

Rainbow cities network
Rainbow cities network. Rainbow cities network. Open in a new window

Ciutat Cuidadora

Human Rights Resource Center
Human Rights Resource Center. Human Rights Resource Center. Open in a new window

Citizen Rights and Diversity
Citizen Rights and Diversity. Citizen Rights and Diversity . Open in a new window

Women and Feminism
Women and Feminism. Women and Feminism. Open in a new window

Office for Non-Discrimination
Office for Non-Discrimination. Office for Non-Discrimination. Open in a new window

Rainbow cities network
Rainbow cities network. Rainbow cities network. Open in a new window

Ciutat Cuidadora

Human Rights Resource Center
Human Rights Resource Center. Human Rights Resource Center. Open in a new window