Nou horari d’obertura del Centre LGTBI de Barcelona
07/01/2025 - 13:01
Consulta el nou horari de l'equipament
Miriam Solá becomes the new director of the Barcelona LGBTI Centre
12/12/2024 - 16:27
The facility's new director combines an academic background with experience linked to feminist activism and the implementation of feminist and LGTBIQ+ public policies.
We’re giving away three copies of the new book ‘Hiperrevolucionaris i supergais. Una història de “La pluma” i la CCAG’ [Hyperrevolutionaries and Supergays: A History of ‘La Pluma’ and the CCAG]
09/12/2024 - 15:11
Competition. Barcelona City Council’s Publishing Services, through its Barcelona Llibres Instagram profile, is organising a draw of three copies of the book ‘Hiperrevolucionaris i supergais’.
Special opening hours at the LGBTI Centre over the holidays in December and January
03/12/2024 - 12:08
Special opening hours will apply at the Barcelona LGBTI Centre for the holidays in December and January.
La paraula en disputa. Cicle de xerrades sobre traducció feminista
- When:
- Del 01/12/2024 al 31/07/2025
- Where:
- Centre LGTBI de Barcelona
- Carrer del Comte Borrell 22 (Eixample)
- 93 880 51 11
Cicle 'Territoris kuir': Exposició fotogràfica 'Alguien disparó' d'Isaac Flores
- When:
- Del 29/10/2024 al 31/01/2025
- Where:
- Centre LGTBI de Barcelona
- Carrer del Comte Borrell 22 (Eixample)
- 93 880 51 11
Cicle 'Territoris kuir': Club de lectura 'La motxilla de Sara' dinamitzat per Jesús Jeleton
- When:
- Del 14/01/2025 al 28/01/2025
- Where:
- Centre LGTBI de Barcelona
- Carrer del Comte Borrell 22 (Eixample)
- 93 880 51 11
Municipal plan for sexual and gender diversity
Comte Borrell número 22
08015 Barcelona
T: 93 880 51 11