Internacional events
As regards the culture, visibility and memory of sexual and gender diversity, Barcelona City Council promotes recognition of the rights and realities of the LGBTI movement by commemorating the main international days. Likewise, the Council aims to highlight the participation of the LGBTI community in events to promote historical and social occurrences in which they have suffered violence and discrimination.
LGBTI visibility is essential in a predominantly heterosexual public space where sexual and gender diversity is not recognised, and therefore particularly important in the fight against LGBTI phobia, but also in promoting a city that respects the diversity among its inhabitants.
Dates with a special relevance include 17 May, International Day against LGBTI phobia and 28 June, International LGBTI Day

International Holocaust remembrance day
It's celebrated in memory of the day that the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp was liberated in 1945. LGBTI people take part in this remembrance day as they were one of the groups of Holocaust victims.

International transgender day of visibility
This day pretends to make people aware of trans reality and sensitise them against the discrimination that trans people suffer around the world.

International Asexuality Day
A day event for raising awareness of the full asexual spectrum, including demisexuals, greysexuals, asexuals and other ace-spectrum identities, and increase their visibility. Calling for human rights as individuals with diverse orientations and denouncing the unequal treatment that exists worldwide.

Lesbian visibility day
Day to defend equal rights for lesbians and help to highlight their reality by creating a collective image adapted to the diversity that exists in our society.

International day against LGBTI-phobia
It commemorates the World Health Organisation’s declassification of homosexuality as a mental illness on that day in 1990. Its purpose is to raise awareness of LGBTI phobia and promote interest on the part of the general public and the authorities in guaranteeing LGBTI rights around the world.

Pride Parade
It remembers the day in 1969 when police attacked the Stonewall Inn gay bar in New York. This was the first time that the gay community rebelled forcefully against the institutional and social repression they suffered. It is generally considered that its success marked the start of homosexual liberation.

International bisexuality day
It was first held in California in 1999. Its purpose is to assert, recognise and celebrate bisexuality, as well as respond to marginalisation and prejudice in the LGBTI community and the general public towards bisexual people.

Trans october
The International Day of Action for Trans Depathologization, convened by Stop Trans Pathologization is celebrated around the world. In Barcelona, various activist and public activities are organised by trans* people and organisations throughout the month of October.

Commemorative event for the transsexual Sonia Rescalvo
It's celebrated since 2013, when the gazebo in Parc de la Ciutadella was renamed “Glorieta de la Transsexual Sònia” in memory of the brutal murder of Sonia Rescalvo on this spot in 1991, to show the city’s rejection of any kind of hate crime.

World AIDS day
It remembers all those people who have died from HIV and to raise public awareness of this disease.