
  • City Council’s tool for combating gender inequalities and transforming the city from a feminist perspective. Its goals include strengthening mechanisms for the political, social and technological participation of women, irrespective of their age, origins or social condition, as well as rethinking, from the principle of fairness between women and men, public spaces, infrastructures, mobility, housing, business opening times, social, educational and health-care services and the city’s cultural model.

  • It constitutes the basic tool for preventing medium- and long-term sexism in the city. The plan presents municipal action that puts the emphasis on both the roots and causes of sexism and on the tools and measures for combating their more structural aspects.

Municipal government measures

  • Government measure of the City Council of Barcelona dedicated to gender urbanism, in order to build a better city and facilitate its daily life. Gender-based urban planning takes into account the diversity of gender, age, origin or functional, among others. The result is a fairer, more equitable, safe and barrier-free city.

  • A government measure whose goal is to strengthen the system for detecting and preventing gender violence in the city, as well as assisting victims and supporting them in their recovery. It is divided up into three areas geared towards key elements for a comprehensive approach to gender violence: an information and analysis system of the phenomenon; a detection, assistance and recovery system and a prevention system.