We in Barcelona need and desire a business network that is committed to and involved in gender equity.

We in Barcelona strongly believe that businesses are a major player in building a fairer and more egalitarian society, which is why we have several information and support services for helping businesses to incorporate gender equality into their culture and running.

We therefore offer personalised advice available to all the city’s businesses, irrespective of their size, on equality schemes and measures; measures for preventing and tackling sexual harassment and harassment on the grounds of gender; and initiatives for changing the wage gap, horizontal segregation, improving training, having fairer staff recruitment processes and applying strategies for balancing work, personal and family life and so on.

In addition, the city’s businesses can access training initiatives specialising in gender equality, harassment prevention, balancing work and family life and inclusive communication from the gender perspective.

We also offer Equitest, a self-evaluation questionnaire for equality in the business. This is an online support tool aimed at businesses that wish to improve their management by incorporating measures for promoting equality between men and women.  This self-diagnosis questionnaire enables companies to find out the key concepts for sustaining gender equality, identify their potential and opportunities for improvement and receive expert advice on the types of measures best adapted to their situation.