Gender equity is also a crucial value for Barcelona’s non-profit organisations and associations.

We strongly believe that associations are vital for making Barcelona a fairer, more social and more humane city, where gender equity is a reality. They are vital for their necessary action and the impact they have on their immediate surroundings. They are also essential for the coherence between what they champion and what they carry out.

That is why we at the City Council are working within the framework of policies promoting the associations’ movement and supporting them to foster a real and effective application of gender equality in both their internal running and their actions. We are therefore putting educational materials, training and advice, in the following areas, at the disposal of all the city's associations, regardless of their size and activity:

  • Basic concepts and legal foundations. The basic and general aspects of gender equality so that associations can have a sound conceptual basis and know the existing legal tools.
  • Equality in action. Knowledge and tools for them to incorporate the gender perspective when designing and implementing their strategic plans and projects. Putting special emphasis on inclusive communication from a gender perspective.
  • Equality in internal running. Knowledge and techniques for associations in order to give them a comprehensive vision of the situation of equality between men and women and to intervene according to the needs that arise. Support for designing and launching measures and schemes for equality; prevention and intervention in the face of sexual harassment and gender-based harassment; strategies for balancing work and family life and empowering women within organisations and associations.

The city’s associations also have 4 online educational resources available to them so that they can work on issues such as cyber harassment, gender violence in public space, macho behaviour and prevention of harassment and gender-based harassment in sport, above all in sports associations.