Average pension



Part-time employment



Average annual salary



Single-parent households



Care of dependent people



Let's look each other in the eyes

The multi-faceted and deeply entrenched issues of women’s social vulnerability and job insecurity call for urgent, decisive action.  Barcelona is not immune to these problems. The data reflect a concerning situation in the city, where the wage gap exceeds 15% and 26.4% of women (compared to only 12.9% of men) work part time.

Job insecurity is exacerbated by part-time contracts, the over-representation of women in certain low-paid sectors, and other factors having to do with disability, age, background and social/cultural circumstances.

This vulnerability often leads to stress, submissiveness and decreased agency among women, as well as consequences such as the wage and pension gap, the feminisation of poverty, the loss of talent and a lack of female role models in leadership positions, among other issues.

So on 8 March, let’s break the cycle of vulnerability!

8M Maria Aurèlia Capmany Award

With the theme “Breaking the cycle of vulnerability”, the 39th edition of the 8 March - Maria Aurèlia Capmany Award seeks to support projects that combat vulnerability among women in Barcelona to promote gender equality and improve their living conditions.

The goals of the award are to recognise initiatives and projects geared towards defending and promoting women’s rights, with a different theme every year, and also to offer financial and institutional support for the implementation of the winning projects.

The 8 March Award has a single project category for an award worth 15,000 euros that will be granted by a panel of experts. The award ceremony will take place on 10 March at 5.30 pm in the Saló de Cent.

Reading of the manifesto

This year, Barcelona City Council representatives will once again read a manifesto to express the city government’s firm commitment to the feminist struggle and to speak out against the structural inequality and discrimination that women experience in all spheres of life simply for being women.

This official event also seeks to reaffirm City Council’s support for work that furthers innovative and transformative feminist policies.

The manifesto will be read on 7 March in Plaça de Sant Jaume in a ceremony that will also include the unfurling of the 8 March banner, this year with the slogan “Breaking the cycle of vulnerability”, on the City Hall balcony.


Feminist conversations

“Converses feministes” [Feminist Conversations] is back for a second edition in 2025. Designed with and for women, associations and organisations in the city, the goal of these events is to find solutions to some of the main hurdles standing in the way of equality.

The project seeks to be a participatory forum for discussion and conversations that spark innovation and inform policies in strategic areas to achieve true equality.

This second edition was launched in January with six working groups, and will conclude on 4 and 5 April with events at the Born Cultural Centre.

8 March in our neighborhoodsls

As always, there will also be several neighbourhood-specific events for 8 March, supported by district leaders who work throughout the year to demand true equality between men and women, combat discrimination and promote women’s rights.

Check the schedule throughout the city
Featured activity:
Documentary about brave women in Parliament

One of the activities will the presentation of Dones valentes a les Corts [Brave Women in Les Corts], a documentary telling the stories of women in the district who were active in trade unions, political parties and other groups to fight the Franco regime. This documentary builds on Quanta guerra. Dones i Guerra Civil a les Corts [So Much War. Women and the Civil War in Les Corts], which focused on the role of women during the Civil War through family archives.

The presentation of the documentary will take place on 14 March at noon at the Tomasa Cuevas Civic Centre (Dolors Masferrer, 33-35).


Autor: Martí Petit

Solid commitment to break the precariousness that affects women

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8M, International Women's Day. Municipal motivation to keep moving forwards in innovative and transformational feminist policies.

Empleades del SARA escoltant en una reunió. Autor: Martí Petit

Snapshot of women’s situation in the labour market in Barcelona

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8M, International Women's Day. Unemployment among women in the city stands at 5.6%, the lowest figure since records began.

Traffic restrictions for demonstrations on 8M

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Safety and prevention. Disruptions on Saturday from 4.45 pm onwards.

Week of sports and health activities to mark 8M

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