Grants for children and adolescents aged between 6 and 17 to do artistic, cultural, scientific and technological extracurricular activities during the 2024-25 school year.

Approved call
Submission period:

From September 12 to October 07, 2024 (both included)

Teenagers and young adults
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office [Es]

Last update:

Financial aid for families with children and teenagers aged 6 to 17, both ages included (except for adolescents with an intellectual disability, where the age range extends to 19), who:

  • Play sports outside school hours in programmes run by organisations approved by the Barcelona Institute of Sports.
  • Engage in cultural, artistic, scientific and technological activities outside school hours in programmes run by organisations authorised by Barcelona City Council.

The grant is for family units with income equal to or under 10,000 euros per year for each family unit member.

Personal disposable income per member of the family unit is calculated by dividing the reported annual income of the whole family by the total number of members, bearing in mind that an extra family member is added in the following cases:

  • When a family member has a disability officially accredited by the Catalan Government of at least 33%. 
  • When the family is officially recognised as a single-parent family by the Catalan Government. 

Priority will be given to all applicants who can show that they are at the bottom of each personal disposable income bracket per member of the family unit until the number of applications for each bracket has been exhausted and until the authorisation of the credit approved in this call for applications has been granted.

You can consult the list of subsidised extracurricular activities at the following links:

 The application period will run from 12 September to 7 October this year, both dates inclusive 

Approved call
Submission period:

From September 12 to October 07, 2024 (both included)

Teenagers and young adults
Access procedure:
Go to Virtual Office [Es]