Subsidies for one-off artistic, literary or technological projects, or any other cultural discipline of interest to the city of Barcelona 2022

To be justified
Submission period:

From June 10 to July 01, 2022 (both included)


Last update:

The purpose of this call is to award subsidies, on a competitive basis, for carrying out projects of any cultural discipline of interest to the city, that are exceptional, unique and one-off, and performed between 1 January and 31 December 2022 in the city of Barcelona.

These activities and proposals promoted by the city's cultural fabric have, due to their unique and exceptional nature, a special relevance and impact in their field, and also represent an additional effort as regards the ordinary activity of the organising entity, which is why this call aims to support such projects, as well as those being promoted for the first time.

There are two categories:

Category A: anniversaries, special events and celebrations.

Category B: new projects or first editions.

The application period is from 10 June to 1 July 2022 inclusive.

All persons covered by Article 14 of Act 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations, shall have to fill in and submit their application and all the other formalities associated with the subsidy-award procedure through the City Council’s virtual office, following the instructions given on this procedures portal.

The preferred method for natural persons and other subjects to submit their candidatures will also be through the above-mentioned e-office. In the exceptional case of submitting an application in person, notwithstanding Article 16 of Act 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations, these documents may be presented at any of the General Registry offices in the districts, any municipal manager’s office or any municipal institute.

To be justified
Submission period:

From June 10 to July 01, 2022 (both included)
