October de 2023
Ms Marta Villanueva
Councillor for Health, People with Disabilities and the Strategy against Loneliness
Dear Marta,
You have front-line experience helping people as a nurse, and therefore you are well aware that we must defend one of the best health and social benefit systems in Europe.
It is therefore fundamental to create synergies with the Catalan and Spanish governments in order to continue being pioneers.
The society we live in is becoming increasingly aged and more diverse. This makes it necessary to tackle new needs, thinking not only about the present but also the future. The response of public authorities must take into account a comprehensive vision of social care and healthcare, always focusing on people and their relationship with the community.
Therefore, as Councillor for Health, People with Disabilities and the Strategy against Loneliness, you should focus on the following priorities:
- Providing a cross-cutting vision of healthcare for all public policies. Supporting the creation of a socio-healthcare agency in the form of a consortium, which includes social and healthcare services where sector organisations can take part, with the aim of having a wide-ranging portfolio of services to meet the specific needs of people with disabilities and dependence. Ensuring that Barcelona continues to be a pioneering city in climate-change adaptation, promoting climate shelters and other interventions to mitigate the worst effects.
- Expanding assistance programmes for emotional well-being and mental health, and incorporating social stakeholders. The Covid-19 pandemic signified a challenge to us as a society, which we were able to overcome as a community, but it also brought to light the need to care for the mental health of certain sectors of the population, especially young people and women. Updating Barcelona’s Mental Health Plan. Prioritising the fight against addictions among young people.
- Helping to respond to the needs of the population that is over 65 years old. In coming years, they will account for over 30% of the population and the City Council must respond to their needs by improving the existing assistance plans and seeking ways to cover all city residents who request assistance. Calling on the responsible authorities to facilitate access to residencies.
- From the very first, working to include a perspective of accessibility at all levels. Leading the creation of a Municipal Accessibility Office, with the participation of all municipal stakeholders. Barcelona is already one of the best-adapted cities in the world, but we need to improve in this area, from access to public transport to access to large-scale city events. We aim to be an exemplary city at an international level. Promoting policies to improve personal assistance and facilitate full, independent lives.
- Coordinating a city strategy to combat loneliness, where civil society takes the lead, in order to ensure more active, connected lives and fostering the sharing of experiences and knowledge. The right to accompaniment must be effective.
Your commitment and your knowledge are the best guarantee for Barcelona being able to care for its people.
Kind regards,
Mayor of Barcelona
The Mayor's mission letters set out the municipal government's priorities for this term of office. Making Barcelona the city that leads the responses to the main global challenges, offering solutions to Barcelona’s residents and promoting shared, sustainable and inclusive progress.
October 2023