The Acadèmia del Cinema Català opens the inscriptions for the IX Premi Pepón Coromina, the Academy's award for recognition of risk, innovation and creativity, in honor and recognition of the work of producer Pepón Coromina, which contributed decisively to the emergence of new forms of film language and to the professional consolidation of filmmakers and artists who began their trajectories. With an extensive filmography concentrated in 10 years (from 1977 to 1987), Pepón Coromina produced, among others, Bilbao (1978) the debut of Bigas Luna; Pepi, Luci, Bom y otras chicas del montón (1980), the first film by Pedro Almodóvar; or Barcelona sud (1981), by Jordi Cadena, Honorary Member of the Academy since 2019.
As indicated in the Bases, works, actions or initiatives linked to the Catalan audiovisual productions premiered, broadcast or presented during 2021, may opt for the award; as well as contributions of Catalan talent to productions, audiovisual works or actions presented during 2021 in Catalonia or anywhere in the world. There may also be permanent time trajectories or initiatives (e.g., a festival, a platform, etc.) linked to Catalan film production. The films or professionals awarded for the XIV Premis Gaudí are automatically excluded from the call.
Inscriptions will be telematically opened through the form enabled until May 30th at 15:00h, and until May 31st at 15:00h, additional materials may be presented.
For any doubt, you can contact academia@academiadelcinema.cat