Autumn Courses at Sala Beckett
The Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia will begin its educational activities in October.
As it does each year, the Sala Beckett will launch its new season with a series of new courses and workshops aimed at a wide and diverse public. From October to December, the Poblenou venue will host an array of professionals from the world of theatre and other related spheres to share their knowledge and expertise.
For writers and professional playwrights, there will be events such as Davide Carnevali’s Construir ficcions, destruir realitats (formes de representació del món en teatre i més enllà [Constructing Fictions, Destroying Realities (Forms of Representation of the World in Theatre and Beyond)]; Carlos Molinero’s workshop Escenaris de terror (Curs d'escriptura de teatre de terror) [Scenes of Terror (A Course in Writing for the Theatre of Terror)] and En off (Escriptura teatral des de les identitats LGBTIQ) [En off (Theatre Writing from the Perspective of LGBTIQ Identities)] with Sebastià Portell.
For those wanting to enter the field of dramatic composition, Sala Beckett is also offering training events led by major professional figures from the world of theatre. This strand of activities includes courses such as La comèdia humana (Escenes còmiques per a persones tristes) [The Human Comedy (Comic Scenes for Sad People)] with Joan Yago; Menys és més: taller de provocació de peces teatrals curtes [Less is More: Workshop for Initiating Short Dramatic Pieces] directed by Marc Rosich; and that offered by Marc Artigau i Queralt with (El plaer de) la segona replica [(The Pleasure of) the Second Republic].
In addition to training in composition and playwriting, there will be acting courses such as El actor i la escena, del texto hacia la acción [The Actor and the Scene/Stage, from Text to Action] run by Claudio Tolcachir; Paraula, cor i pensament (organització emocional del text teatral) [Word, Heart and Thought (Emotional Order in the Dramatic Text)] with Pau Carrió and Interpretar amb "La qualitat" [Acting with “The Trait”] by Andrés Lima.
For those who require more than what the autumn programme of events offers, the Obrador also arranges annual courses. On the one hand, there are two playwriting courses that run between October and June (one with Marta Buchaca, the other with Pere Riera). On the other, there is the Greatest Hits/Grans cops course for actors with Iván Morales.
Likewise, the Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia will be focusing on other aspects of theatre with Xavier Albertí’s course on drama theory, various identity/gender labs, seminars and interdisciplinary workshops such as Carlota Subirós’s Viewpoints: Microcosmos/macrocosmos. Children and young people also have their own space at the Sala Beckett with various theatre courses structured according to age.
More information about the courses run by the Obrador and details of registration can be found on the Sala Beckett website.