Barcelona Open City continues with +Biennal
The arts factories are taking part in the extension of the Biennial until the end of the year.
The Biennial For Thought has closed with more than 20 000 participants involved in the 69 activities organised at various locations throughout the city, including La Escocesa, Tantarantana, Sala Beckett, Fabra i Coats and Hangar. From 21 October, however, the event will continue, as the baton is passed onto +Biennal. Until mid-December there are more debates, workshops and performances scheduled, some of which will take place in partnership with arts factories.
Over the forthcoming weeks, Sala Beckett will be hosting two dialogues: “Democràcia i pluralisme cultural. L’ús dels espais públics” (“Democracy and Cultural Pluralism: Use of Public Spaces”) with Joaquim Brugué and Joan Gómez (30 October, 7 pm) and “Els malestars de la desigualtat. Vincles interclassistes a la ciutat d’avui” (“The Discomforts of Inequality: Inter-Class Bonds in the Modern City”) with Anna Tarabini (13 November, 7 pm). Both sessions are part of the season organised by Sala Beckett and the UOC, "Terrors de la ciutat. Escenaris de conflicte i de por" (The City’s Terrors: Scenes of Conflict and Fear”). Within +Biennal’s ‘Arts en Viu’ section, Sala Beckett has scheduled two performances: ‘AMNÈ(I)S(T)IA’ by Chokri Ben Chikha in a production with graduates of the Institut del Teatre (7 to 11 November) and ‘La Benvinguda’ (‘The Welcome’) by Marc Guevara, a production by the company Obskenè (15 November to 2 December).
On 8 November, L'Ateneu Popular de 9 Barris offers “Transmissions. Conferència il·lustrada sobre danses urbanes” (“Transmissions: Illustrated Conference on Urban Dances”), with use of music, video, spoken word and movement. It will also be staging on 1 December “MALESTAR. Proposta d’acció amb Col·lectiu Ameno i Espai en Blanc” (“MALESTAR. Proposal for Action with Col·lectiu Ameno and Espai en Blanc", a combination of workshop and performance.
As for La Caldera, from 12-18 November, it has organised the exchange space “FRIKCIONS”. This includes participative workshops, open doors and performances with a following colloquium about the body and dance in all its physical, psychological, sensorial and sexual diversity.
+Biennal takes place from 21 October until mid-December. For more information about the progamme, please consult this link.