La Central del Circ's “Circ Latent”
La Central del Circ is launching a podcast

New podcast from La Centrel del Circ: “Circ latent” is a series of programmes, each addressing a different topic, that reflect on and analyse contemporary circus in Catalonia. The programme explores aspects of artistic creation and innovation through the perspectives and experiences of several female creators, by observing how circuses are adapting and responding to our changing reality. Besides discussing recent trends and creations, we will also be exploring the challenges and opportunities that are intrinsic to this dynamic area.
The podcasts are being recorded periodically and presented by Esther Blázquez, the head of the mediation area at La Central del Circ, accompanied by Víctor Bobadilla, La Central del Circ's artistic coordinator. You can listen to them on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
The programmes are aimed at circus professionals and lovers of the performing arts, as well as anyone interested in culture and artistic experimentation. We are seeking to build up a community of listeners who share an interest in learning, discussing and appreciating contemporary circus and its impact on the Catalan scene.
The first podcast is “Circ i gènere” [Circus and gender], with Àfrica Llorens. You can hear it here.