Creacion&Museums at the Night of Museums
On 19 May, creators from the Arts Factories take part in the Night of Museums.

As it does each year, to mark International Museum Day, Barcelona will celebrate the Night of Museums, an initiative born in Berlin in 1997 and which has since extended to numerous cities throughout the world. Barcelona’s night will be next Saturday, 19 May. Then, the city’s museums will open until 1 am, with free entry from 7 pm.
This will be the third year the Arts Factories have joined in the celebrations, staging arts projects inside the museums.
Resident artist at Hangar, Mercedes Mangrané, brings to the Botanical Gardens Flirteig (Flirtation), a project that reconsiders our relationship with nature through interventions in situ, from 7 pm - midnight.
La Caldera offers an adaptation of the play A vore, by Sonia Gómez, Ramon Balagué and Astrio at the Barcelona Ethnological Museum in Montjuïc. This is a project based on musical research and movement that draws from the rhythms, dances and expressivity of southern Catalonia and northern Valencia for a dialogue with the musical codes of Astrio and the perfomative dance of Gómez. In two shows, at 8:30 pm and 10:30 pm.
La Central del Circ is preparing for the night the show Olimp, perifèria, essència. Mapa històric comentat sobre el circ a Barcelona (Olympus, Periphery, Essence: A Historical Map with Commentary on the Circus in Barcelona), a performed colloquium reviewing the evolution of contemporary circus, this year celebrating its 50th anniversary, and remembering Barcelona’s circus history. The performance, featuring the participation of Los Galindos, the En Diciembre company and Johnny Torres, takes place at the Born Centre of Culture and Memory in two shows, at 8 pm and 10 pm.
La Seca Espai Brossa will parade the theatrical work of Joan Brossa through the Museu Frederic Marès in the form of dramatised readings by students from Eòlia, the Conservatory of Dramatic Arts. The night will see performed the texts Cavall al Fons/Horse at the Back (8:30 pm), Aquí al Bosc/The Forest This Way (9:30 pm) and Ahmosis I, Amenophis IV, Tutankhamun (10:30 pm).
Teatre Tantarantana is preparing for the Night of Museums a special edition of Assajar és de covards (Rehearsing is for Cowards) with the Casa Real company at the Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món in c/Montcada. It comprises three improvisation sessions and an acting jam session at 8 pm, 9:30 pm and 11 pm.
Meanwhile La Escocesa will present at the Castle of Montjuïc the project Pròxima inauguració (Next Opening), based on the false, ironic presentation of the opening of a supposed shopping mall in the castle. The factory’s resident artists Daniel de la Barra, Marina Rubio, Zosen Bandido and Juan David Galindo will be making various interventions in the enclosure, from 7:30 pm until half-past midnight.
The theatre Nau Ivanow is preparing for the public arena Disseny Hug (Design Hug), an intervention by resident company Hui Bassa (Lali Álvarez, Pau Matas and David Teixidó), alongside Gary Shochat and Clara Garcès and the participation of a group of actors. The show, lasting 15 minutes, can be seen at 8, 9, 10 and 11 pm at the Design Museum of Barcelona.
L'Ateneu Popular 9 Barris is organising the show Fragments de circ (Circus Fragments) under the care of the companies Dudu i cia, Madame Gaüc and Cecilia Manfrini at the Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona (Barcelona Photgraphic Archvie), at 9 pm and 11 pm. In addition, taking advantage of the exhibition "40 years of the Ateneu Popular 9 Barris, another account of culture in Barcelona, 1977-2017" at the MUHBA Oliva Artés, the Ateneu is organising there the performance art show 40 anys de circ! (40 years of circus!) with Joan Arqué, Jessica Arpin, Griselda Joncà and Tomeu Amer at 8 pm.
El Graner is collaborating with the Virreina Centre de la Imatge (Virreina Centre of the Image) on Adorno, a hybrid between performance, movement and installation with the company Vértebro at 7:30 pm, 9:30 pm and 11:30 pm.
Finally, artists PEDRA and Sara Fontán of Fabra i Coats are putting on Les il·luminades (The Illuminati), a performative sound installation at the MUHBA (Barcelona City History Museum) in Plaça del Rei, at 9, 9:45, 10:30 and 11:15 pm. Also organised by Fabra i Coats, at the Museu de la Música you can attend A cordes africanes (With African Chords), a series of concerts by global musicians, with Kodjo Senyo, Nino Galissa, Aaron Feder, Alberto López, Deo Boko, Pito Washington and Ouseino Djagne, at 8, 8:30, 9, 9:30, 10 and 10:30 pm.
The Night of Museums takes place next Saturday, 19 May from 7 pm until 1 am. Entry to all museums is free. All information about the various events featuring the Arts Factories can be found on the Agenda of this website or at the websites of the various Arts Factories themselves.