Sala Beckett’s XIII Summer School
Courses, workshops, lectures, performances, discussions and debates with an international flavour from 8-28 July.

The Sala Beckett’s ‘Obrador d'estiu’ (summer school) works from a synthesis of the creative process, training and education, the exchange of ideas, discussion and debate and new ways of thinking with the aim of producing high-quality contemporary drama. This year, the Obrador has been extended to three weeks and can count on the participation of the summer school of the Rotterdam ICAF (International Community Arts Festival) and a Mob Pro (‘Mobility Programme’), an international symposium of playwrights from all over Europe attached to the Fabulamundi cooperation project. It’s also part of the GREC 2018 Festival with Clàudia Cedó’s Una gossa en un descampat (A Bitch on Waste Ground) forming part of the festival’s theatre programme.
The educational component comprises five playwriting and dramaturgy courses under the care of Victòria Szpunberg, Sergio Blanco, Pau Miró, Fréderic Sonntag and Anna Wakulik. In addition, courses in acting and performance will be taught by Lluís Homar and Oscar Valsecchi, Ramin Gray and Pablo Messiez. There will also be a closed-session seminar led by the English author Simon Stephens and featuring representative playwrights from a global range of international theatres and cultural centres. During the seminar each participant will write a work that will be performed publically over the duration of the course in the form of a dramatized reading.
The ‘Obrador d'estiu’ will take place from 8 to 28 July at Sala Beckett. For more information about these events and the registration procedure, please visit this link.