Spring Courses at Sala Beckett
The Obrador has now finalised its training courses for March, April and June.

As it does every three months, Sala Beckett /Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia is launching new training courses and educational workshops. Between March and June, major names from dramaturgy, acting, stage direction, television and theatre companies will be attending the Poblenou Arts Factory to transmit their expertise and experience to both professionals from the drama world and amateurs with an interest in theatre and dramaturgy.
Highlights from the various workshops include Taller d'escriptura d'obres de teatre per a joves (Writing Plays for Youngsters Workshop) by Suzane Lebeau, taking place within the I Jornades de Dramatúrgia per a la Infància i la Joventut (First Conference of Dramaturgy for Children and Youth). Resident company La Ruta 40 will lead an intensive ‘introduction to acting’ course: La creativitat de l'actor (The Actor’s Creativity). For his part, José Sanchis Sinisterra will be in charge of an advanced workshop in dramaturgy: Monólogos para actrices desesperadas (y algún actor)/Monologues for Desperate Women Actors (and the Occasional Male One).
You can find the full list of Obrador courses and all the supporting information on the Sala Beckett website.