BaumannLab ‘Support for Creation’ Grants

1 October, 2019 - 00:01 to 22 November, 2019 - 23:59

BaumannLab is launching its open call for support grants for artistic creation in a bid to drive individual trajectories and creative processes, and to stimulate specific fields and contexts in which to develop opportunities for creation.


For visual arts or projects or those related to contemporary thought. Under 35s

Backing/support from an established artist for a student under 20.

To design a training course within the framework of BaumannLab education programme.

Intended for research and production of projects on digital art, interactivity and technology.


All details about these grants can be found here.

Arts Discipline

Arts disciplines vary according to category. Please see here for the rules of each one.

Target Candidate

The grants are targeted to different publics according to category. Please see here for the rules of each one.

Endowments and Benefits

Young person creation grant: This grant is made up of a financial endowment of 1800€, which must be used to cover production costs (60%) and fees (40% maximum).


Tandem grant: This grant is made up of a financial endowment of 1500€, which must be used to cover materials (60%) and fees (40% maximum).


Beca Ad cum panis grant (training/backing): This grant incorporates a financial endowment of 1500€ which must be used to cover materials (25%) and fees (75%), together with material support in the form of external collaboration; with a maximum of 300€ (taxes included).


Audio-visual experimentation and digital art grant: The bursary includes an endowment of 1200€ for materials and fees.

Application Deadline

22 November 2019


Servei de Joventut i Lleure Infantil
Ajuntament de Terrassa
Av. Jacquard, 1 – 08222 Terrassa


Acceptance of the awarded grants entails establishing a work and partnership framework between successful creators and the Ajuntament de Terrassa, via the Servei de Joventut (Youth Service) that manages BaumannLab.


This partnership framework consists of:

  • Backing/training as part of the grantholder’s working process based on joint support interventions with the other grant-holding projects and monitoring from the BaumannLab management team.
  • Taking part in strategies and activities of dissemination to advertise the working processes of the grant-holding or resident projects through the internet, exchange spaces with other artists, etc.
  • Dissemination of the ensuing project within the framework of BaumannLab’s outreach activities and/or develop other complementary activities jointly with the management team in relation to potential users of this arts entity.


* All selected projects will have an opportunity to access BaumannLab’s resources (workshops, Medialab, technological equipment, etc.) and the Youth Service and children’s activities (Lleure infantil), as well as its work network with youth and young person’s organisations in Terrassa.

Assessment Criteria

For guidance in how to be awarded a BaumannLab grant, the following assessment criteria have been established:

  • Relation of the proposal to the aim or initiatives of bringing arts practices to young people, of enhancing their critical attitudes and/or lending support to the professionalization of young creators.
  • Interaction of the project with the region, exploration of new ways of connecting arts practice, youth dynamics and the social context and/or development of arts projects in education contexts.
  • Experimentation with new ways of using language and forms of expression and communication, or new methodologies and processes of work or innovation in bringing together technology and art.
  • Artist or cultural agent’s link with the city.
  • Proposals’ potential for establishing relationships with other resident artists or with processes or interventions promoted by BaumannLab and/or by another work avenue of the Servei de Joventut.
  • Solidity and coherence of the submitted proposal.
  • Clarity in the presentation of documents and the required information.
  • Suitability of the proposal to the resources and services that BaumannLab will make available for its viable reception.
  • Other specific aspects of value in each modality (Consult the details of the rules of each category)


The body responsible for the assessment of applications will be a committee comprising:

  • Representatives of the Servei de Joventut de l’Ajuntament de Terrassa
  • Gabriel Verderi, Contemporary Art and Education project coordinator at the Escola d’Art i Disseny de Terrassa (Terrassa School of Art and Design)
  • Susana Medina, Head of Cultural Promotion at the Ajuntament de Terrassa
  • Sofía Ugarte, local visual artist
  • Enric Puig, Director of L’Escocesa – Centre de Creació

Application Submission

· Application file, based on the model that can be downloaded at and at the online portal of the Ajuntament de Terrassa.

· Document with:

  • Proposal for the project to be submitted to the open call, closely following the template (downloadable at the online portal or at
  • Arts CV and statement (including outline of objectives and description of the focus of interest of the work to be carried out).
  • Documentation for recent projects.

· If the applicant wishes to submit any documentation in video, digital or textual format it must be submitted as a CD or DVD, either brought in person or by facilitating a link to where it is posted online.

Other related grants