Research and experimentation grant at Hangar’s Soft/Hardware and Interaction Lab

From 26 November, 2023 - 12:04 to 5 January, 2024 - 23:59

Hangar, open centre for artistic research and production in Barcelona, is calling for artists, collectives, researchers and developers in the field of open source technology to carry out a three-month research, development and/or production residency in its Soft/Hardware and Interaction Lab.

With these grants, Hangar provides the recipients with the budget, the space and the appropriate technical conditions to produce a work and contribute to its dissemination in a professional environment.


1. Objectives
General objectives:
– To support creators in their research and/or production activities, their experimental work and the development and completion of their projects.
– To identify and encourage the creation of communities around new tools and/or technologies.

Specific objectives:
– To promote and facilitate the necessary resources for experimentation, research, development and creation in the field of interactive open technology.
– To promote the documentation, publication, dissemination, transfer and exchange of knowledge in the field of creation with open interactive technology.

2. Services and financing
Hangar will provide the recipient with:
– Fees: €2,500 gross.
– A production grant of up to €3,500 gross, which may be used to cover direct technical execution work or the cost of renting the workspace.
– Technical support, advice and access to tools for the development and production of the project.
– Hangar will put the contacts of its network of collaborators at the disposal of the grant holders: suppliers, technicians, techno-scientific research centres or other artistic and cultural institutions that they may need.
– Hangar will support the dissemination and public presentation of the project.
– These grants do not cover travel costs from the place of residence to the centre, nor accommodation or living expenses.

3. To whom it’s addressed
– Artists and collectives, researchers and developers of all ages and nationalities working in the field of open technology creation. In the case of collectives, there must be a person in charge of the project.
The call will consider projects that require a research, development, prototyping or production phase in Hangar’s interaction lab.

4. Length
The duration of the grant is 3 consecutive months, to be carried out between 1 January and 30 June 2024.

Other related grants