Exchange grants between Stuttgart and Barcelona

25 February, 2021 - 00:01 to 25 April, 2021 - 23:59

For the seventh year, Hangar is opening its call for applications for travel and production grants for four artists, two from Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg (Germany) and two from Catalonia. The initiative aims to support the creation of artistic works relating to the contexts of each of the participating centres and institutions, promote exchanges and enable experiences of dialogue between the two artistic communities. 


The call is aimed at visual artists of any age and nationality who live in the geographical vicinity of the organisations presenting the call. The residencies will last for two months and take place in August and September in Stuttgart and in September and October in Barcelona. 


The grants include expenses for travel, subsidence, production, accommodation and use of the centre’s work space and infrastructures. 

Other related grants