INÉDITOS 2019 at La Casa Encendida (Madrid)

8 October, 2018 - 00:01 to 10 December, 2018 - 12:00

Three prizes are being announced and a budgetary allocation will be made available to each of the projects for putting on their exhibitions at La Casa Encendida throughout 2019.


INÉDITOS has been convened each year since 2002. Inéditos 2019 once again will respond to the aim of professionally motivating new curators, thereby establishing itself as one of the model programmes for the support and dissemination of young art.


Inéditos has seen pass through its ranks artists, researchers, teachers, directors, cultural producers and independent curators who now exert significant influence at a national and international level.

Target Candidates

The call is open to all curators aged 18-35 (at the end of the application period) and resident in Spain (whether national or foreign-born) who wish to carry out as yet UNSEEN exhibition projects that centre around any aspect of contemporary creation and which stand out for their innovation, quality and suitability for the available resources.


Individuals and collectives can take part. In the latter case, all members of the team must be 35 or under at the end of the application period.


The exhibition project authors cannot form part of the exhibition in the role of artists. Anyone who has been awarded a prize in previous calls is ineligible for this prize and only one project can be submitted by each author whether as an individual or collective.

Endowments and Allowances

Three prizes will be awarded. The prize will be realized as an exhibition project and curatorial commission. The selected finalists will receive, in fees, the sum of 3 000 € per project, subject to current tax legislation. If recipients live outside Madrid, this amount, with prior account of expenses, could be incremented to cover possible travel and accommodation costs. These costs will not be in excess of 1 000 €.


Each prize-winning project will receive a payment of 23 500 euros (taxes included) for the development of each exhibition. The selected curators will commit to carrying out the functions of exhibition production and assembly, as well as providing the necessary documentation (texts, photographs, etc.) for the preparation of the catalogue, within the scheduled timeframe and in partnership with La Casa Encendida. Likewise, all necessary permissions for the exhibition of works and their reproduction in the catalogue, online and in any other form of print media must be sought and managed by the project.


If these curatorial responsibilities are not honoured without just cause, the fees received by the project will be returned to La Casa Encendida.


La Casa Encendida
Ronda Valencia, 2
28012 Madrid
T 902 43 03 22

Application Period

8 October – 10 December 2018, Midday (GTM+1). No applications will be accepted outside this timeframe.


The organisation is exempt from any responsibility whatsoever stemming from the relationship between curators and artists or third parties involved in the exhibition projects. The organisation, in partnership with the curator, will be responsible for the exhibition production and catalogue edition.


The successful project exhibitions will be staged at La Casa Encendida, with the institution’s prior approval, in summer 2019. In the event of a possible temporary exhibition in other cities, curators would need to carry out for themselves the necessary modifications involved in tailoring their projects to new rooms.


Projects cannot be entered into the competition:

  1. With the rights compromised in any form.
  2. That have been submitted to a different competition, even if awaiting the decision from the respective jury or committee.
  3. That have been awarded prizes in other competitions held in Spain or internationally.
  4. Submission of the project to the competition implies the creator’s obligation not to withdraw their projects before the decision of the jury is made public.
  5. Registration of submitted projects in the Register of Intellectual Property remains the responsibility of the author, as well as the consequences of their non-registration before third parties, from the moment of the project’s submission to the competition.
  6. Projects financed by another institution will not be considered.

Submission of applications presupposes an acceptance and understanding of the rules by all authors.


A technical committee will make a pre-selection of submitted projects which will be analysed and evaluated by a jury comprised of art professionals. This jury will submit to the organisation a proposal of the finalist projects reserving the right to declare null and void any part of the grant if deemed appropriate. The jury’s decision will be final.


Deadline for Submitted Applications: 8 October-10 December 2018 at midday (GTM+ 1)
Decision: February 2019

Application Submission

Each project author or co-author must submit:

  1. Completed registration form.
  2. CV
  3. DNI o residency card
  4. Project summary with details of participating artists
  5. Project dossier, which must include:
  • Title of exhibition
  • Reflective account of the project (maximum length of two sides).
  • Nominal list of works (with images) and indication of author or authors.
  • Sketch of the exhibition design adjusted to the characteristics of a model room with the following dimensions: 18m length x 8m width and ceiling height of 4.80m.
  • Estimated budget for the project (itemised) up to a maximum of 23 500 euros, taxes included (this budget includes transport, assembly, copyright fees, artists fees if relevant, etc)


Participation in this call for applications will be managed by registering all documents via the website

Other related grants