17 February, 2020 - 09:37 to 28 February, 2020 - 23:59

Laboratori Tísner is a support space offered to creators in the performing arts field to develop their artistic projects. The aim of this call is to support the creation and production of stage projects and to become a platform to access the professional sector circuits (festivals, venues ...).



The call is open to companies and artists working in the performing arts field. Each person or group may submit more than one proposal.

Centre Cívic Cotxeres Borrell
Carrer de Viladomat, 2-8, 08015
08015 Barcelona



Projects from any of the artistic disciplines included in the performing arts will be accepted: theater and all its variants, dance, mime, clown, multidisciplinary, etc. Projects must be developed but not premiered. The selection criteria will value: technical quality, the documentation presented and the feasibility and adaptation to the center's line of work. The projects must be produced to be performed in the theater or other spaces of the center, so the characteristics of the spaces must be taken into account.



S’admetran projectes de qualsevol de les disciplines artístiques que engloben les arts escèniques: teatre i totes les seves variants, dansa, mim, clown, multidisciplinar, etc. Els projectes han d’estar desenvolupats però no estrenats. La selecció es farà amb criteris de qualitat tècnica, segons la documentació presentada, viabilitat i adequació a la línia de treball del centre. Els projectes hauran de ser produïts per ésser exhibits al teatre o sales del centre. Caldrà doncs tenir en compte les característiques dels espais.


Proposals should include the following documents:

— Filled out Application Form.

— Audiovisual material (include links in the application form).

— Artist or company CV.

— Duly completed budget and calendar.

— Any other documentation considered appropriate or that will help to understand the project better. 

Projects must be submitted by email (programacio@cotxeresborrell.net) from February 1st to 28th, 2020.



A jury, composed of professionals related to the performing arts and cultural management, will choose the winning proposals. The resolution of the call will be made public during the week of May 4th, 2020 and can be consulted on the center's website. The organization may invite participants to a pre-selection interview in order to get more detailed information about the projects.



The winning proposal will receive 1.200€ , the finalist 800€  and the jury prize 500 € to develop and produce their project. This amount will be subject to the corresponding withholding taxes. The organization will assign a person to monitor the development and production of the stage projects. The awarded projects will show their work during the Cotxeres a Escena 2020-2021 theater season, in accordance with the usual conditions of the center’s permanent program. The organization reserves the right to select more than one project, as well as to consider the prize deserted.



Participation in this call implies knowledge and full acceptance of its terms and conditions. The organization will unilaterally resolve any circumstance unforseen in these terms.


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